I can’t fathom a better person to feature for my first Friday Faves than MJ of There’s Good in Store (Pars Caeli). I discovered MJ via Instagram, and I immediately fell in love with her work. Her designs are inspiring and her quotes are always uplifting. I enjoy watching her stories and seeing what inspires her. She shares her wins and losses, and it’s so encouraging and comforting to see her genuineness in those moments.
I recently ordered these laugh notes from her shop, and they have become a favorite in our home. Lo has discovered jokes within the past few months, and MJ’s laugh notes are so fun to read! Lo loves a good pun, and the illustrations on each card are adorable! They’re small enough to fit in my wallet, so I like to carry a few to read out loud on longer drives, and sometimes, I’ll just pull one out when we’re having a tough day and need a laugh.
If you aren’t following MJ on Instagram or Facebook, go check out her feed and see why she’s one of my fave people to follow and support.
***This post is not sponsored, and all opinions and statements are my own. First and last photos belong to There’s Good in Store (Pars Caeli).***