I’ve never really put much thought into resolutions, but I do like to spend some time reflecting on the previous year. This past year felt a bit chaotic with life transitions (homeschool, church hunting, Jon traveling for work, part-time work, etc.), and even when I took a “break” from classes or markets, I stayed busy.

All that to say, as I reflect on 2019, I can see why and how I started to feel so lost. I am vocal about being a Christian, but I’ve never explained what that means to me in so many words. It bothered me that I was constantly getting boxed into categories by others- person of color (POC), female, Asian, etc. I get it, y’all, but none of that has ever been an identity for me. Those are all adjectives. For me, being a Christian isn’t just an adjective. It’s who I am. My identity is in Christ. (Galations 2:20) My love for people and community is because of His love towards me.

When I started sewing again in college, I was going through a deep valley in my life. My dad had just passed away, three months shy of my high school graduation. If you knew me then, you knew I was a Daddy’s girl; I thought my dad hung the moon. When he was gone, I felt lost. I was struggling that semester, and I am so thankful for those who came alongside me that first year he was gone. I learned to lean on Jesus, and I grieved.

It was during that time that I met the sweetest group of women. They were all in different stages of grief over the loss of their husbands, but like me, they were learning to trust God’s plan and navigate a new chapter without their loved one. We met once a week for bible study, followed by fellowship. We usually enjoyed a potluck style lunch, which was probably the best (and only) home cooked meal I ate during college. Ha! We then sat around a donated quilt with a needle and thread in our hands and shared our joys and sorrows as we quilted. I’m not sure how many quilts we hand quilted and donated that year, but it sparked an immeasurable amount of both joy and humility to think of the recipients.

As I look back on my college days, Jesus, quilting, and running helped me get through the grief and unknown. Life got busy, and I stopped sewing. It wasn’t until 2009/2010 that I would find myself in a deeper valley, clinging to Jesus and in search of a sewing machine. This time, I didn’t stop sewing, and I realized others may be learning for different reasons, but we’re all hoping to connect and grow with others. We were created with a desire for fellowship with God and each other.

All that to say, I am thankful for the community around me. For everyone I’ve met at markets and for those who have attended my classes. My goal for Coral Bunny and Lo this year is to continue creating workshops and classes, but also encourage new friendships and build on the community created in my classes. I don’t plan on starting a community bible study, but I did create a Facebook group awhile ago. I wasn’t sure how I wanted to use it, but I would love to provide a way to encourage those friendships that form in each of my classes and online conversations to grow. So, whether you want to share your progress from a class, share pictures of your littles wearing something from my shop, or talk about your recent experience from one of my Friday Faves (Y’all loved it and missed it, so it’s coming back!), it’s there. Christ welcomed everyone to His table. He didn’t focus on their adjectives, but their heart. I hope everyone feels welcomed at my table. We all need more Jesus and each other.

If you’re hoping to learn to sew or make new creative friends in 2020, join us! You can view my upcoming events on my calendar, Facebook, or Instagram. I have a pj pants class THIS Saturday, Intro to Sewing Jan 19th, and Galentine’s DIY Pinata Workshop next month!